DEIJ, SEL, Wellness

Learning in diverse environments has been shown to increase academic achievement; students learn from a multitude of perspective and engage in understanding who they are within the context of the global community.

It is important to cultivate classrooms of respect. Teachers and students alike should work to be open to new perspectives, understandings, and values. In doing so the differences between each person becomes strengths of the community rather than barriers to connection.

Every student deserves the very best, unfortunately not all students are given the same opportunity at achievement. It is the ethical responsibility of teachers, like myself, to support equitable practices in instruction. Understanding the cultural climate of the classroom, investigating the hidden curriculum for inclusion, and supporting opportunities for every student to achieve through a personalized education are essential aspects of education today – these are conversations that I can support as an ally. 

Educators must recognize the history of disenfranchisement in the USA for people in all walks of life (from cultural, racial, personal, religions, and other identity formation) and work against it; educators must understand the history of decreased access to opportunities for peoples from minority perspectives and provide increased opportunities; educators must integrate multiple and valued perspectives that benefit the learning environment.

Student wellness, for me, includes the supported development of the social and emotional growth of each student while being culturally responsive to multiple populations.